june 2020

In June 2020, a complex of works was performed to receive a barge in the port of Novorossiysk from Turkey

In June 2020, a complex of works was performed to receive a barge in the port of Novorossiysk from Turkey with an oversized cargo weighing 54 tons placed on a truck trailer. Our team was faced with the task of coupling our hauler with a loaded trailer and further rolling out to the crane track, where the cargo was reloaded onto the trailer, which was prepared beforehand and planned for transportation. At the end of the work, the trailer on which the cargo was located was moved back to the barge and went back to Turkey. Meanwhile, our hauler with the cargo went to Nizhny Novgorod for unloading.
All operations were accompanied by needed permits that had to be received in the shortest possible time, which we successfully coped with.